Plex and The Great Music Rating Project

Several months ago, I installed Plex Media Server in my house, and in many ways it has revolutionized the way that we access our media. At some point in the future, I may write an article detailing how Plex organizes my video collection. Today, I am writing about how I am using Plex to better enjoy my music.

My collection as libraries

The first level of organization that Plex offers is libraries. Music, videos, and pictures can be organized into libraries which are listed individually on the Plex home screen. Libraries can also be sorted, searched, and filtered separately, so it makes sense to divide my music based on how I would like to browse the titles.

My current libraries can be seen listed on the left-hand side in the image below:

My Plex home screen as it appears in a web browser
My Plex home screen as it appears in a web browser

I have decided to separate my music into two libraries: Music and Christmas Music. When exploring my music collection, I rarely want to see, or listen to, Christmas music mixed in, so I have segregated the festive tracks from the standard content.

I considered separating kids’ music into another library, but decided against it. I actually like a good amount of the music my children listen to, and they enjoy a lot of my music as well. So it makes sense to keep those two categories integrated.

With my current two-library configuration, my music demographics at the time I am writing this are as follows:

Library# of Tracks
Christmas Music419

The ever-present playlist

Obviously, I haven’t really organized my music all that much with the libraries I have set up. I have almost 10,000 tracks lumped into the unhelpful title of Music. Playlists have been the standard way to organize music for the past 20 years or so. I tend to use them sparingly, though.

A playlist is very constricting, by design. Playlists also don’t add much information or structure to a music collection. Instead, they pull microcosms of structure out of a collection.

I have several playlists on Plex, but most of them are reminders, such as damaged or incorrectly detected tracks. I only have three playlists that I currently use for listening purposes: Kids’ Music, Kids in Bed, and Worship Music.

I play Kids’ Music on my phone while I’m taking care of, or playing with, my children. Kids in Bed is played each night in the children’s rooms while they sleep. And I listen to Worship Music on Sunday mornings while getting ready for church, or any other time the mood strikes me.

Moods and Plex Mix

Plex offers a couple of features to dynamically create playlists from my music collection. Many of the songs in my library have been automatically categorized by mood. Plex provides a long list of moods to select from, many of which are very creative options such as Dark Sparkling Lyrical, or Energetic Melancholy, or Hard Positive Excitement. Selecting a mood will, in theory, play a selection of songs from my library that match the selected description. Multiple moods can be selected in conjunction to create unique mixes.

Plex Mix is more like a Pandora playlist in that I can select a single track that I like, and tell Plex to create a Plex Mix from that track. It will then play a selection of other songs from my collection that are “similar” to the selected track.

The rating game

My current project is to go through my entire music collection and rate every track on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. As of right now, I have rated exactly 2,200 of my 9,690 tracks, so I am about 23% done. Here is the procedure that I am using to process my entire collection:

  1. Get a filtered listing of all of my unrated music tracks.
  2. Select the first 120, or so, tracks at the top of the list and add them to a temporary playlist.
  3. Instruct Plex to shuffle this temporary playlist while I’m at work.
  4. If, while listening, a song comes on that I can rate with certainty, then I will go ahead and do so. Otherwise, I will leave the song unrated.
  5. Once Plex has made a full pass through this playlist, I will delete it and go back to step 1 to create a new playlist of about 120 songs.

In this current pass through my music, I am using the following criteria for rating a song:

# of StarsCriteria# Tracks w/ Rating
1I never want to hear this track again.98
2This song is fine. I'll listen to it, but it's not particularly noteworthy.702
3I like this song quite a bit. I'll listen to it any time.725
4This song is great! I absolutely love it.675
5Unused at this time.0

Using this process, I can quickly categorize the songs that I know well or have strong feelings about, while the less obvious songs linger in the playlist. The songs that I am unclear about are played frequently until I either learn to like them, or get tired of them.

Once I finish rating my entire collection on this scale, I intend to make another pass through my 4-star songs, using a similar procedure, to further refine the high end of the spectrum. In this second pass, some of my absolute favorite tracks will be promoted to a 5-star rating, and likely a handful will be downgraded to a 3-star rating.

The payoff

I am already reaping the rewards of the rating project. At any time, I can shuffle just my 4-star songs, and know that for however long I want to listen, I will hear one great song after another. Even at less than a quarter complete, my 4-star list is close to 50 hours long, so it always feels fresh. If I’m in the mood for more musical variety, I can always include the 3-star songs as well.

I am also learning about my music collection and my tastes during this process. For example, I apparently like music by Bush quite a bit. Of the eleven songs on the Sixteen Stone album that I have, I rated seven of them at 4-stars. On the other hand, I’m not quite as big of an Aerosmith fan as I thought. Tyler and crew also garnered seven 4-star ratings, but that’s out of a total of thirty-five Aerosmith songs in my collection.

– danBhentschel

3 thoughts on “Plex and The Great Music Rating Project”

  1. It’s interesting to read your ratings scheme. Mine is different from yours, and I noticed you’re not using the 5-star rating, so I thought I’d share mine in case it’s useful.

    1 – I never want to hear this song again, AND, I don’t want it in my library. Use a script to periodically delete songs with 1 star.
    2 – I never want to hear this song again, but I need to keep it in my library for some reason. A lot of times, it’s a song or skit on an album and I want to keep the album intact.
    3 – I don’t like or dislike the song. I probably won’t skip it if it comes up on shuffle, but if I never heard it again for the rest of my life, I would be no poorer.
    4 – I like the song and would be sad if I never got to hear it again.
    5 – I like the song enough to play it for other people, e.g., when I have guests in my car or my house.

    The nice thing about this system is it’s good for building automatically generated playlists. You can scrape only 4 and 5 star songs when you have friends over for a party, or you can mix in some 3s for a long road trip.

  2. Started my own music rating project and ran across this post. We have a very similar collection and size. I just use MusicBee and sort by whatever criteria I want – generally genre. Fun times, right?
    When I started, I determined it’d be too daunting to figure out all the ratings from the get-go, so I began by rating either 1 star (not very good music that I’d be ok not listening to again) or 2 star (everything better than that). I have about 1200 left out of 9500 songs. Next, I’ll listen to all the 2 star again, narrow them down between 2-3 star and go from there. So far, I’ve given about 40% of my songs a 2-star. If I keep dividing them out, the same way, I’d end up with about 100-200 5-star songs, which seems about right. I don’t have names/descriptions so far for the different stars, but it might go something like:
    1 – Not very good
    2 – I don’t want to make these songs disappear forever 🙂
    3 – Good songs that I can identify what it is that makes them stand out a bit.
    4 – These songs are quality songs, not quite top-tier, but worth listening to very regularly
    5 – I consider these high quality songs, they might actually have moved me at some time emotionally, and/or they stand out

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